Imagine having access to music made to work like medicine to become what you choose. Governments, nonprofits and for profit businesses are jumping into the music therapy arena because it's diverse support crosses generations, cultures, abilities and settings.

However, when you can't find a certified music therapist to support you, dive into training programs that teach you how to do it yourself, for self-care. For empowerment. To become what you desire.
When you apply mood music sequences, a catharsis can occur that, over multiple applications, strengthens resilience, relieves unsettledness, deepens peace, and joy emerges. Then, you find yourself choosing life that engages you positively, and loving what you do defines you. Becomes you.
Learn more about Judith's trend-setting message at the Music Medicine Club's live stream event (recorded just for you!) at
Want to get started now? Enroll in the Music Medicine Boot Camp!
The image above is excerpted from "Power Up 365" - a daily text message program you can order to access empowering music, quote and image all matched up to Power Up Your Life on a daily basis!