I love music patrons bring forward to me to try and stump me. It broadens my music and I find out more about music that matters.
This recent podcast features a past client (yes I have authorization to share Barry's story) who attended many music therapy sessions while in residence for substance abuse. Because he had experienced many different ways to understand music's effect on body, behavior, mind, emotions and spirit, he sought me out several years later because he couldn't figure out why a song was stuck in his head - what is called an "earworm." It was driving him crazily toxic.
In less than 45 minutes during a telehealth session, I was able to help him decode why this song was stuck, and then recommend a playlist to help him address the situation the music targeted.
In Barry's words:
“I've always loved music but Music 4 Life® changed my whole outlook. The way music is prescribed is better than any medicine. I will never hear music the same: my eyes and ears were opened to music healing every wound that impaled my Body, Mind and Spirit.”