I sometimes wonder before leaping into a new world, do I need to BE or ACT? Do I follow what others are BEing to part of the new crowd, or do I ACT like myself, BEing true to myself?
So I drilled down farther to understand more about being authentic. Do I resort to automatic responses or am I authentic and possess these 7 common characteristics that show I am psychologically mature and fully functioning as a human being?
Have realistic perceptions of reality.
Are accepting of themselves and of other people.
Are thoughtful.
Have a non-hostile sense of humor.
Are able to express their emotions freely and clearly.
Are open to learning from their mistakes.
Understand their motivations.
I discovered this is what it means to be true to myself which is my innate desire.
Then, I found these 7 characteristics are typical of what unauthentic (artificial or automatic) people do or BE which is NOT BEing true to myself.
Are self-deceptive and unrealistic in their perceptions of reality.
Look to others for approval and to feel valued.
Are judgmental of other people.
Do not think things through clearly.
Have a hostile sense of humor.
Are unable to express their emotions freely and clearly.
Are not open to learning from their mistakes.
Do not understand their motivations.
I discovered further that an unauthentic person will say and do things that are defensive with a self-deceptive approach to life. That, no matter how passionate and committed they are to a cause, ultimately they are not being true to themselves.
I'm taking all of this to heart as I navigate life in new worlds,
staying in my lane, honoring others - and myself.